I am 26, and as a youngster I did a lot of dancing which was my form of exercise which I absolutely loved. Being part of a dance school usually stops when you get to college age, so for years I haven’t done anything that I’ve enjoyed and seen results with. I literally dread going to gyms, even the classes I find it SO hard to get myself there. I have tried and tried. It got me down because I knew I wanted to exercise to keep healthy but I just didn’t enjoy anything and I felt so guilty! UNTIL I did my first at home session with Chris! I cannot tell you how different I feel in myself, just a few weeks in. I’m so much more toned, so much stronger, & I feel so proud of myself. I actually enjoy my sessions and I don’t clock watch (which I usually would do). I’ve now even gained the confidence to attend classes at the gym with Chris which usually has 6/7 of us participating, and really look forward to going. He always keeps a check on you when doing different exercises to ensure you’re doing it correctly, which you’d never get at a normal gym class. Everyone is lovely and it’s always a good laugh. If you have ever felt like me, try having Chris as your coach. You won’t regret it. He really does know his stuff, and pushes you to the greatest of your ability without being un realistic. He believes in you and makes you believe in yourself and that’s when you see results. May I add, a lovely, friendly, great person.